Danza por los Heraldos (2019)

Medium Multichannel audio-visual installation, poetry, and dance improvisation


Collaborators Cristóbal Garcia Belmont: A/V composition & installation
Jamichael Fraizer: Dancing
Gabriel Barreto Bentin: Videographer
ISM Berlin: Installation

Danza por los heraldos is an audiovisual installation inspired by Peruvian poet Cesar Vallejo and his first book, Los Heraldos Negros. The installation was created for the book’s centennial in July 2019. Migration as a chain reaction: this project started as a poetry reading of the book, which then translated into dance improvisations, which inspired an algorithmic sound composition software that then re-configured the audiovisual material according to the structures of the poems. This piece was showcased at The MassMOCA through the Institute of Sound & Music Berlin, and the Berklee Interdisciplinary Arts Institute as a 6-screen and 52-speaker installation.